February 26th, 2011 by Theresa
I am back for another weekend of writing! Last week I polished off the master plot and started in on the writing.
For my process I found that this wasn’t enough room for my creative brain to breathe. Yeah I know what’s supposed to happen in the next chapter… but what about the little details, twists and turns I want it to take? Enter whiteboard!
Ahhh now I can expand! We are on to chapter two everyone! Hmm just how much home repair can a determined woman get done without help??
lucky, lucy, new, research, whiteboard, WIP, writing
February 21st, 2011 by Theresa
The DH and I have updated the look of the site! And now to get back to work for the ending of Chapter 1! Also did a bit more research! This time on the Creole Language of New Orleans! Very cool stuff indeed! For all things Cajun and Creole, go see Floyd’s Record Shop – but turn down your speakers first!
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Cajun, Creole, New Orleans, website, WIP, writing
February 20th, 2011 by Theresa
Chapter One!
lucky, lucy, WIP, writing
February 17th, 2011 by Theresa
Working title “Lucky Lucy”
Just finished the outline and story structure! Yay! May tweak it a bit here and there but it’s ready to write!
lucky, lucy, outline, WIP, working, writing