Don’t Stop Believing

July 27th, 2011 by Theresa

Photo by Jef Bettens

Photo by Jef Bettens

“I’m proud of you for doing this.” Those were my Dear Husband’s words to me the other day. Stunned and confused I scratched my head wondering what was there to be proud of.
I’d just finished “The Captain’s Man.” I had locked myself in the Writing Wroom and worked until I typed “The End.” Exhausted but proud I moved on to edits for my first completed novella “Azrael.” I picked up the manuscript to discover the words I had lovingly put on the page were all crap. I have to rewrite the whole darn thing.
Downtrodden and crushed, I trudged on to fill out my schedule for rewrites, edits and work on new ideas as well as blog posts. I just kept on going. You know what? It just kind of hit me. That was it. That is why the DH was proud of me. I didn’t and haven’t given up.
Now as we all know. Being a writer isn’t easy. First of all, self-discipline is king. If you can’t depend on yourself to write a certain number of words a day or week, you can kiss those dreams of writing for big bucks goodbye. There are target dates to meet, deadlines to overcome and lots and lots of unspoken rules and regulations to learn. Commit a faux-pas in an elevator pitch to the wrong agent and you’re screwed. But you have to do it, learn it, live it and breathe it to succeed.
Next, you have to have skin thicker than the earth’s crust. Forget critique partners, I’m harder on myself than my English teacher father. You’ve got to dig through your own mistakes and not only correct them, but teach yourself new ways of writing. Then you realize that it doesn’t end. You are constantly learning through critiques, reading other novels, classes and the like.
Even then, there is no guarantee that you’ll sell that giant manuscript. It could languish for months or years before it’s ever picked up. Sometimes it isn’t picked up and you’re faced with either letting it go or self publishing. You just have to keep going. You have to keep writing. You have to keep your dream alive knowing that the creation of a story is what really makes you happy.

And that’s what I’m doing. I’m keeping on keeping on. That is truly something to be proud of, for me.

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