Know The Code: a mini lesson in Southern United States language

October 5th, 2011 by Theresa

So we all know that I’m from New Orleans – a great southern city. As you may have guessed sometimes “I talk funny,” as they say up here in Canada. While telling a story to a group of people, I dropped a “Bless her heart” once or twice. This apparently cracked my friends up – and got me thinking. There was a pattern there, not just what I said but how I said it.

With a spark of an idea I turned to social media. I asked my Google streamers, Twitter followers and Facebook compatriots, what their favourite Southern sayings are. Boy was I in for a treat! I got some great responses from “Fixin ‘to,” “Well I’ll be,” “gag a maggot,” and of course the ever present terms “ya’ll” (singular) and “all ya’ll (plural). In the course of discussing these terms with my old New Orleans friends, I realized the pattern was there. Read the rest of this entry »

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April – A new beginning

April 4th, 2011 by Theresa

April starts a new month a new goals. I’ve finished a major rewrite for my pet romance project and got the darn thing plotted. I’ve also made some serious changes in the way I write and how I approach new ideas for novels. I know that as writers we have to adapt. I don’t think any editor or critique partner will be harder on my than I am to myself.  Change is hard but it’s for the better!

To your left you’ll see the AWESOME hat made by Josianne Blanchett!  It was my reward for getting through March! Check out her shop for more!

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Site Updates

February 21st, 2011 by Theresa

The DH and I have updated the look of the site! And now to get back to work for the ending of Chapter 1! Also did a bit more research! This time on the Creole Language of New Orleans! Very cool stuff indeed!  For all things Cajun and Creole, go see Floyd’s Record Shop – but turn down your speakers first!

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