Case Dismissed ~ Flash Fiction

April 25th, 2013 by Theresa

“Ready to make your statement?”

The prisoner sat up in his seat, chains jingling.  He wiped his split lip on his sleeve then spat a glob of bloody mucus to the floor.

“I’ll take that as a yes.  Prisoner 12432, please tell the court the events that contributed to the death of Renard Belgier and his associates?”

The prisoner leaned forward to the microphone clearing his throat.  “I was provoked.”

The courtroom became a hub of hushed conversations.  The Judge’s gavel banged a few times to regain control of the room. With a wave of the instrument, he prompted me to continue.

“Please, Prisoner 12432, explain? We all would like to know what happened.”

The prisoner’s dark  gaze shot through me. “I’ll tell what went down.  That damn vampire snatched me and my sister off the street. He drained Kelli before my eyes. His little pals? They chewed on the meat of my only kin to get every last drop of blood out. And as they let me watch, you know what they said? ‘Nothing personal, kid. We just needed a snack.’  The rage sang through my veins and I blacked out.”

“As you can see, Your Honor,” I continued turning back to the judge. “My client is a latent berserker. He’s no a threat to society – unprovoked, that is.”

The judge rolled his eyes. “Prisoner 12432,  now known as Ian Richmond,  we find you innocent of murder.  We reduce your sentence to time served. Case dismissed.”

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