Job’s Done ~ Flash Fiction

September 14th, 2013 by Theresa

Jen spat blood and tested the links that chained her to the chair.  She made a show of running her tongue over her teeth to test their looseness.  She looked up to her captor who readied to deliver a second blow.

“You will die tonight,” the vampire spat. The creature made a show of descending her fangs.  Jen rolled her eyes.

“Sophie?  You know,” Jen said casually, “that trapping me in my own home was a bad idea, right?”

“I will feast on your blood.  Tomorrow, I’ll bring your corpse to master as a prize,” Sophie purred as she rocked Jen’s body with another punch.

“Your Master?” Jen wheezed as she glanced as the clock and the shuttered windows. “Venari? That’s what this is all about?” Blood dribbling from her nose, she laughed weakly. “Jeez. You’re just jealous! Wow! Look lady, he came to my house to order a hit, not hit on me.”

“You’re an assassin?” Sophie asked with a laugh. “A puny human like you?”

Jen joined her in laughter as she watched the clock.  A faint alarm went off in another room.  Jen continued to laugh as the shutters opened automatically and daylight poured into the room.  She giggled as the vampire went up in flames.

Jen twisted her wrist and slipped out of the chains.  Getting up, she wiped her nose on her sleeve and dug her cellphone from her purse at the front door.  She dialled quickly and smiled when the line connected.

“It’s done.”




As seen on Siobhan Muir’s Thursday Threads ~ WINNER!

Currency ~ Flash Fiction

September 7th, 2013 by Theresa

Amanda struggled up the rain soaked church steps. The night swallowed her cries of pain. The long slash on her thigh left a bloody trail. As she reached the top, step gooseflesh rose on her arms. Thunder crashed around her as she reached for the door handle.

Too late.

A strange force picked her up from the door and yanked her several feet in the air. Heart pounding Amanda screamed as the ground rose up.


Amanda swam back to consciousness . The stench of sulfur filled her nose. She opened her eyes to find the demon smiling at her. Far too late for rescue.

“You shouldn’t have run,” he said. His too wide grin revealed far too many teeth for Amanda’s comfort. “I suppose this is the part where I utter some vile threat? Something like “I will feast on your blood” or some other nonsense?”

She dragged herself backward to the mansion door. Resting against the jamb, she faced the demon.

“You don’t say anything,” she wheezed. “You just die.”

A darker shadow attacked the demon. The door opened and a deep voice chanted the exorcism. A smoking hole in the granite marked the demon’s destruction.

“Father Francis, I hate being bait,” Amanda said finally.

“I hate working with vampires,” he replied.

“I hate being currency, for them, too.”

“No, you don’t. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Father Francis turned away. Crouching over Amanda’s leg, a single vampire licked its lips.
Smiling, Amanda shivered.

As seen on Siobhan Muir’s Thursday Threads

Have a Heart ~ Flash Fiction

April 1st, 2013 by Theresa

The doctor stood back from the gurney and smiled. He prayed that the procedure worked. As his patient awoke, he stifled his fidgeting.

“There we are, my dear boy!  Tell me Stanley, how are we feeling?”  The doctor checked his patient’s vital signs and skin temperature.  All were in normal range. So far so good.

“I feel strange, sir.”  Stanley blinked and swallowed. “Could you please tell me again what this operation was for?”

“Why to give you a heart!” The doctor laughed.  “Tell me how do you feel?’

“Sir?, This heart, what good does it do?”  Stanley sat up finally and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He looked at the doctor and blinked.  He hunched over in his usual position.

The doctor gave a sigh.  “Do you remember, that woman you asked about some time ago?  The one with the red hair?”

Stanley sat up straight. Eyes wide he smiled. “She’s here? Where? How long will she stay? Do you know her name?”

The doctor kept his grin in check.  “She’ll be here for a while yet. Why don’t you get dressed?  She’s just down in the lounge.” The doctor helped his patient get dressed and ushered him to the door. “Now remember, her name is Stella.” He patted Stanley on the back and set him on his way.

“Thank you Dr. Frankenstein!”  Stanley called as he sprinted down the hall.

The doctor smiled and waved. “Yes, I think that heart is working just fine.”


As seen on Siobhan Muir’s Thursday Threads

Wake The World ~ Flash Fiction

November 27th, 2012 by Theresa

The squad of armed soldiers ghosted into the lab.  Dr. Zhung followed the team after they cleared the room.  She ran to the last functioning computer terminal. There had to be something here to tell them why the world went crazy overnight.

“Here!” She hissed to the team leader.  “I’ve got the last recording!” Quickly she played the video. While it started she downloaded the contents of every drive still connected to the terminal to her laptop. Eerily, the image of her late husband appeared on the screen. His voice chilled her to the bone.

“Project Goodnight has been taken over by Dr. Aubin.  I am fully against his involvement in this. He says he’s doing the right thing by weaponizing  my dream technology.  The fool.  Right now, I’m not so sure that testing it in mental hospitals and prisons across the globe was a good idea.  If you’re seeing this I’m dead. You either are my ex-wife or you know her.  I loved you Zee.  Download everything and fix this.  If none of the schematics make sense, there’s only one thing you should know. They’re dreaming Zee, awake and dreaming their worst nightmares. Wake them up.”

The video ended. Dr. Zhung felt tears fall then dashed them away.  “I’ve got it all,” she announced. “Let’s get back to base.”  None dared speak until they were in the van and safe.

“What’s the plan?” asked the squad leader softly.

“I wake the world,” she growled. “Time to rise and shine.”



Honourable Mention on Thursday Threads with Siobhan Muir

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